Healing Power - Photons and Redox Signaling

Healing Power - Photons and Redox Signaling

Western medicine targets a concoction of chemicals, radiation and removing areas of the body to maintain health. However, energy is what drives our biology. Humans are a complex organization of energetic fields. Your body is approximately 70 percent water with a higher mineral content, that makes it highly conducive to the same energetic field as electricity.

The human body comprises some 60 trillion cells, and between the nucleus and the membrane of every cell is a measurable electrical field. Brain, nerve and bone cells all vibrate at different rates to be able to communicate with each other. These cells know when to divide by vibrating.

When the cells in your body lose their normal charge because of stress and unhealthy elements in your daily life, they become disorganized. They clump together, and blockages are created. Noble gases can be used to distribute photons of light that mimic your body's natural, healthy vibration. The cells are then prompted to reorient themselves back again to a healthy state.

The word 'noble; has its roots in the German word for resistance, meaning that these gases have become stable and resist bonding with other elements. Noble gases are high-energy light that conduct electricity; they fluoresce and glow in distinctive colors when used inside gas-discharge lamps. The very best known noble gas is 'neon' since it makes neon lights glow.

Used medicinally, these gases repair damaged red blood cells, make nitrous oxide for healthy arteries, make proteins that fight inflammation, normalize blood circulation pressure, prime the disease fighting capability, move the lymph system, prevent DNA from being damaged by toxins, accelerate detoxification, produce antioxidants and neurotransmitters, and many more. Noble gases be capable of correct acute infections and chronic illness, including cancer.

The phrase 'vibrational energy medicine' brings to mind modalities such as: acupuncture, homeopathy, bioelectrical devices and aromatherapy. Noble gases are a type of vibration energy that use photons instead of a needle, a diluted essence, electrodes or perhaps a smell.

The Skilling Institute created a device called the Photon-Genius that combines the healing power of noble gases with infrared heat to elevate your body temperature in much the same way body triggers a fever to kill germs. The machine sends a power current through the noble gases, putting them into a semi-plasma state. As the gases cool, they need to eliminate the absorbed energy.

Noble gases have no free electrons, so the energy is released as photons - light that vibrates at exactly the same frequency as its source (noble gases). These frequencies will be the harmonics of the body. And, indeed, of most living things. We are able to use photonic energy to create the body back again to a balanced state, because photons drive the body's metabolism.

https://redoxsignalingmolecules.health/ -Genius nourishes the body with a complete spectrum of bio-available frequencies used to break up blockages and barrier tissues, while moving the lymphatic and circulatory systems to assist in detoxification. Nourishment is the driving principle behind this approach to healing.

Nourishing your body's powerful, self-healing intelligence has more deeply and longer-lasting benefits than suppressing the body's natural resources with allopathic chemicals that force only a change of symptoms, but alas, no healing of tissue or cells. Energetically, symptoms are simply just your body communicating to us about more deeply levels of physiologic and energetic imbalance.

Your body lives and dies at the cellular level. Your system is programmed for health; programmed to protect, repair, and replace the cells. However, your ability to do that diminishes over time. The word for that is: Aging or Illness.

The main element to protecting, repairing, and replacing cells is a specialized set of molecules: Redox Signaling molecules. Your system makes them, every minute of every day. Because the body grows older; or due to poor health care; your body becomes less efficient as of this process.

Small children operate at nearly completely efficiency in what scientists' call 'the healing response,' an individual 70 years-old or older or someone, who has poor health operate at significantly less than 10 percent efficiency.

? Aging equals: The body's decreasing capability to protect, repair, and replace its cells
? Illness equals: The body's decreasing ability to protect, repair, and replace its cells.
? Redox Signaling molecules equals: The main element to efficiently protecting, repairing, and replacing cells

Sixteen years of foundational research resulted in the creation of the initial and only perfectly balanced combination of stabilized Redox Signaling molecules that exists outside the body. Redox Signaling molecules is what your body creates to support the vital functions of the immune system. Redox Signaling is so important that the body manufactures its supply within the cells.

One set of these molecules is responsible for activating antioxidants. However, regardless of just how many antioxidants one ingests, they are able to not fight even one free radical until they're activated, thus, the Redox Signaling molecules are important. The other group of molecules are essential for cellular communication, cellular protection, and the healing response.